Unpacking Myths about having Perfect English in a Globalised Community

1812 Jason

Встреча на английском языке

Unpacking Myths about having Perfect English in a Globalised Community

Coupled with an explosion of internet access, social media platforms and massive shifts in global migration these have led to the spread of English as a tool for people to connect with. Yet there are many forms (not accents) of English that actually use different grammar and vocabulary. Countries such as the US, England, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia and Canada all have similarities yet their unique differences and linguistic structures. Drawing on my 20 years experience of teaching and leading schools in multilingual environments we are going to discuss and reflect on how English should not be considered just as a tool for reading, writing and speaking in perfect English. Learning English should be seen as a flexible tool enabling people to work, to learn and respectfully engage globally through critical, creative and collaborative thinking by being able to view and decode a myriad of forms in a digitally literate world.

Ведущий встречи

Jason Barton


Since 1993 he has worked as a contracted teacher and school leader in Australia, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Turkey and Norway. Jason holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education, has presented at National Education Conferences in Australia and has many qualifications in school leadership. Jason is passionate about the International Baccalaureate programs which foster inquiry-based teaching and learning enabling open-minded, multilingual people to enjoy a love of learning helping them understand more of the world in which we live.

План Мероприятия

Где и когда?

18.12.18 в 19.00 

ул. Горького 53 (ЦУМ, 3 этаж)

Антикафе “Территория”

Что будет?

G8 English Club with

Jason Barton


Стоимость: 200 р.

Do you want to get ready for the meeting? Download the reading and speaking activities here

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