Кто такой фиксер?

Following you´ll find some basic information about the separate job positions.

Stringer/helping hands: Even though there is an overlap of the task areas, here you’ll find the difference between the jobs.

Job position “Stringer”:

– Basically a Stringer is a supportive employee, who is familiar with local conditions and language to help us solving common daily problems. He/she is the link between us as foreigners and the country and native people. Due to this diverse daily problems it´s not easy to describe a stringer´s area of responsibility – at the same time he/she has to be a flexible and resilient person. However a lot of tasks a stringer has to solve every day, are problems which are not very complicated for a local person.

For example:

One of our colleagues has to absolve an authorities visit. A stringer´s duty would be to find out, where the authority is, its office hours, how to get there, possibly attend the concerned colleague and help her/him with the specific bureaucracy.

Job position helping hand:

– Especially physical work is the main task for a helping hand. This includes set-up and dismantling jobs as well as occasionally making purchases.

Job position driver:

– This includes running errand and dealing with passenger transports independently

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