Pragmatic kids will say that they study the language to pass the English Unified State Exam and get into a good university, and of course they will be right. But there are still some exceptional youngsters who want to know more than the test requires. These are the kind of romantics who gather every spring to share their love for English poetry with everyone. Then again, there are the kindly sympathetic people and companies who believe that such children should be recognized and encouraged. After all, it's not that hard to make a child happy. Reward him or her for his or her performance with a pizza or a cake, and they will reach new heights in English. And the silver medal of the grand prix can make an impact on the future choice of profession and destiny of a young soul. 

Meet the students who are making our world a better place through the English poetry!

Winners of British Lion 2023

Junior Group
1st place - Artyom Ustyan (8 y.o.), School №20
2nd place - Polina Borisova (8 y.o.), Gymnasium №1
3rd place - Gayane Hovakimyan (8 y.o.), School №20

Middle Group
1st place - Nadezhda Lesina (10 y.o.), Gymnasium №8
2nd place - Hrach Abrahamyan (11 y.o.), School №10
3rd place - Zhosan Dominik (10 y.o.), School № 24

Senior Group
1st place - Christine Malyarenko (16 y.o.), School №10
2nd place - Irma Dishagachyan (14 y.o.), School №10.
3rd place - Victoria Pinkevich (14 y.o.), School №10.

Grand Prix - Diana Afanasieva (16 y.o.), Gymnasium №8.