-OMG, what are they going to think?
-Dang, I probably look like a fool.
-Oh, I can't wear that... They will think...
This is an endless list of thoughts lots of people have on a daily basis.

We are so concerned with what others think of us that at times we may forget about our desires and needs.

During this meeting we'll discuss:
- Captured by prejudice. Is there a cure from prejudice and codependency?
- Why are we afraid of being judged? Does it make our life worse?
- But what people say? The cost of all those sleepless nights
- What techniques are there to help us deal with this fear? Sharing our opinions

Guest Speaker: Val Cash
19 of January from 19.00 till 20:20.
place: Territoria Co-working 53, Gorkogo Str (TSUM Department Store 3rd floor)
price : 300 RUB